Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Soccer Field Day 2014

This is my certificate from the Soccer Field Day 2014. The Soccer Field Day is basically like a soccer tournament, except we don't collect scores and no body is a winner, it's just about getting out there playing soccer against other people and having fun. I found this was a really fun day and I would love to do it again next year.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Fractions Of A Set


This is my fractions of a set work presentation. I found this easy because I have been working hard on my unit fractions. I found this hard because I needed to work on my multiple fractions of a set. Next time I could add in more ways and different problems to work out.

Pepeha Art


This is my Pepeha. I added in a  toru maunga (three mountain) a awa (river) a moana (ocean) a whare (house) and a oke rāua paina (oak & pine trees) . First we had to draft our designs in our art books, then draw them in pencil on a long peice of paper, then trace over in vivid, then we coloured it in with crayon, then coverd it in dye. I found the dyeing easy because all we did was spread it all over the paper. I found the crayon a bit hard because the blending with the colours was a little tricky. Overall the art was very fun and I'm very proud of how it has turned out.